Monday, June 13, 2011


609 Bartlett Drive
Small Village, British Columbia
V2A 4J5

May 30, 2011

City Hall
8792 Main Street
Small Village, British Columbia
V2A 6S6

Dear Mayor:

I have come to the conclusion that I think you should get rid of the evidence that Gunter Grass was the commandant of a Nazi concentration camp in Poland. Even if Grass oversaw deaths of an estimated 15,000 people, it was the past and he is changed.

 My first reason why I think that this news shouldn’t be publicized is he was the mayor of this village and if people found out what he did, people from other villages would think that we are careless of what people we choose to be mayor. Another reason is that he is a model citizen around this village, many people respect and look up to him. If Grass decided to run for mayor again, no doubt about it people would re-elect him as the mayor of this village.

Grass has also been a gracious man by building many profitably factories for this village. Many people in this village didn’t have jobs before these factories, now plenty of people in this village work there and actually enjoy it. Also whoever works there as employees are well paid. And Grass is a very generous man. Over these years this man has donated very large amounts of money to many different charities. He shows that he does care about humanity now.

Lastly Grass helps out many families that are unable to make enough money to pay their expenses at the end of the month; he makes sure they have enough money that the expenses are all paid for. These families would be in utter distress if Grass did not help them each month. Yes Grass did make a mistake in the past, but he has proven to the people to this village, his family, and me that he has changed and we shouldn’t keep the past from letting him move forward. Grass is a 92 year old man whose life could end at any minute we should let him enjoy the rest of his retirement before his life ends forever.


Dana Hillman

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Afterlife

Dying, everyone is afraid of it. Why should we be afraid of it? When there are many different ways we are still alive after we die. IN Christianity Heaven and Hell and God is what they believe in, if you commit murder or some sort of crime you go to Hell, if you believe in God you will go to Heaven. IN the Catholic Church Limbo is where a person dies and goes to Hell. In some Indian religions such as Hinduism the idea of Reincarnation is how they cope with dying they think we will all be reborn again.  In Christianity Heaven is the holiest place of all. They always say that God is watching down on man making sure everything is okay. They have the idea of if you believe in God you will get to spend eternity with him and also other believers.  They believe that heaven will be a place where you will get to live the rest of your time to the fullest.
In the Catholic Church, the term Limbo means an afterlife condition created by Medieval Roman Catholic theologians, but not made official Catholic doctrine. It’s another idea about the afterlife. The Catholic Church believes when a person dies and goes down into hell they will be sorted into four different parts there are; Hell of the Damned, Purgatory, Limbo of the fathers, and Limbo of the infants. Purgatory is when someone is in the process of purification or in temporary punishment. Limbo of the infants is when a child has died and was too young to commit any sins but wasn’t freed of any original sins.
Once you die Indian religions such as Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism the believe in Reincarnation. It occurs when a the body of a human has died but the soul or spirit comes back to life in a newborn body. Other religions such as Druidism, Spiritism, and Eckankar believes in the idea of reincarnation. What riencarnaion is not, is that some people believe that someone will possesses an immortal soul which will turn them into a form of a cat after there death. This will be repeated over and over again, but if the human is lucky they will be reborn a human being again. This way of the soul moving into a different form does not exist in the Indian Religion.
When I am old I will not be afraid of dying, I will accept the fact it is my time. I will have realized I had the time to live my life I had they time to love and have a family and do the things I love to do. But when I’m this age I am afraid of dying I don’t want to have my life taken away at a young age I want to be able to love have a family and do the things I love to do. Sometimes when I am in a situation that I know is stupid and very dangerous I do think about how death can come, it’s scary to realizes that I could have died in that situation and never could have grow old. When I die I personally think the afterlife will be beautiful, I think that heaven will be bright and sunny and perfect I think if it’s my time to go to Heaven it will be great to see it but not great to leave earth.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday with Morrie

“The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves.” The culture we have makes people feel lower about themselves. In the novel Tuesday with Morrie, by Mitch Albom, Morrie explains how the culture we have shows people young, thin, pretty and adventurous, when really some people are not. “We’re teaching the wrong things.” We’re teaching teenage girls that the only way you can be liked is if you fit the body size, you’ll only be attractive if you are thin. In magazines all it shows is how skinny girls are, and how you need to get killer abs in ten days. Also telling girls how they need to get rid of there winter chub because summer is coming. The pressure of body size destroys the self-confidence of any teenage girls. Morrie also stats that “[people] have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it.” I think he is trying to say, don’t like the influence of magazines and TV fool you, don’t like the “Total Gym” or “Weight Watchers” fool you, they look for overweight people to buy into them everyday. The media displays only beautiful, young ladies, to bad there all airbrushed and unnatural. No teenage girl is like that, many try there hardest to be like like that. The media pushes girls to be like the airbrushed ladies, but in the end girls end up harming themselves just to be like them. The culture we have makes its seem like the only way we can be liked is if we have the looks, the body size, the richness, and the popularity. Lastly Morrie says that people are even more “unhappy than me-even in my present condition.” Morrie is dying, but he still sees himself as perfectly fine, he doesn't worry about his status he doesn't need to be the richest man on the block, he already feels the richest because he has the love of his friends and family around him. Most people do buy into the lottery tickets or the big cars and houses, they don't look at whats rich love and friendship is right infront of them. They focus on the big idea of being known as the rich and famous person. But Morrie understands there’s more to somebody than body size and beauty and being rich. Just look deep, the beauty spot is what inside someone.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Year to Live

April, 26 2011

I was getting off dance these days have been weird. I’ve been feeling very dizzy and faint, it’s unlike me. I started to get concerned so I asked my mom to schedule a doctor’s appointment for me.

May, 5 2011

I went to the doctor’s today I told her what was wrong with me, she said it wasn’t a big deal but she just wanted to take some blood and swabs to see if its not mono or anything. She said she’ll get back to me in a week. Hopefully it’s not mono I don’t want to be sick for provincials which is coming up in a couple of weeks.

May, 29 2011

When I got off dance my mom said the doctor called today, she said she wanted to do more test on my lungs. She thinks with dance my lungs have gotten worse because I don’t use my inhaler. Whoops!

June, 12 2011

The doctor called she asked for my whole family to come in today.


My thought of everything will be okay is a joke. When I was waiting in the room with my mom and dad I got a sudden feeling of sickness, I ran into the bathroom to puke. I came back into the room; my mother was crying my dad was in shock. I looked at them I looked at the doctor I was confused and scared. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. “Dana,” she said with a soft voice, “you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer…” In utter shock I think why? WHY? “Why me!? I’ve never smoked in my life I’ve never done anything that has wrecked my lungs, I always run away when people with cigarettes that come near me... Why? I have a dream I want to have a life! I’m leaving for Boston in like a week. Why!” “I’m sorry” she softly said, “but you only have approximately a year to live”.

June, 22 2011

Knowing what I have doesn’t make me want to stop dancing. Fighting with my mom to let me go to Boston was awful but I needed it to happen. But to me I’m excited, because in three days I will be starting the best five weeks of my life, and preparing to make the last forty-seven amazing.

July, 27 2011

How ironic is it that the worst life changing event can happen but then the best life changing event happens. Today the leader of Boston Ballet came up to me and asked me to come into his office. “Congratulations, you’ve made it into our year program are you interested in attending it?” in a heartbeat I answered “Yes”. I wasn’t going to let my diseases wreck my dream and I honestly couldn’t think of anything other way to live the last moments of my life.

November, 30 2011

I’ve been feeling weaker and sicker these days, but I continue to dance. These first couples of months have been the best months of my life,

December, 25 2011

It’s Christmas and luckily I was allowed to come for the break to visit family and friends I’ve missed my family a lot. But I never thought I could live my dream and I’m so happy I can, it just makes life feel important now.

March, 3 2012

I realized that I can’t put my family through this pain, so I decided to come home and spend the last three months with family and friends. I wish I could dance still but my body it weak and I have no muscles left on my body, I no longer look like a dancer. It kills me.

April, 21 2012

After being sick all night my mom took me to the hospital, I’ve gotten bed ridden. I don’t want this for my life, I want to dance I want be married I want to have kids, why at seventeen do I have end my life? Why do I have to lose my dream?

May, 2 2012

The made a wish foundation came to me today, I asked for my last wish to be able to watch Swan Lake live.

May, 21 2012

Seeing the show was the best time of my life. But it kills me to know that I could and was one day going to be that show dancing. Ever since I was three years old I wanted to be ballerina, have a tutu custom made just for me, get my makeup done and hair done for the show be on stage and have flowers thrown at me and the cheer applauding for my hard work. But I can’t even get out this stupid bed to feed myself, I guess wishing doesn’t work…

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Poetry or Song

Poetry and songs can be writing in many different types and ways. It can be as traditional as a sonnet or as intricate and expressive as a lyric. Many songs are expressed threw lyrics, the song My Love by Sia shows some lyric poetry in the song as she expresses her feeling for her love. But to me I also think it’s a ballad, she’s telling the story of how her love is always with her and how she wants her love to release. This soft spoken song has a calm yet pleasant mood to it when she sings “I know in peace we'll go” it shows that she’s willing to stay with her love forever. The imagery in the song is shaded, when she sings “You took my hand added a plan you gave me your heart I asked you to dance with me” you she her dancing with her love. In this song there is also Pathos it gives you the feeling of compassion for her when she sings "you took a chance and you took the fall for us" making it seem like her loved try hard to be with her, but it didn’t work so they fell out of love. Lastly when she sings "Beat inside me, leave you blind" she is using symbolism. The idea of the use of symbolism is when she sings “Beat inside me”, she is saying how her love hurt her inside, her heart and soul.

My Love- Sia

My love, leave yourself behind
Beat inside me, leave you blind
My love, you have found peace
You were searching for release

You gave it all, into the call
You took a chance and
You took the fall for us

You came thoughtfully, loved me faithfully
You taught me honor, you did it for me

Tonight you will sleep for good
You will wait for me my love

Now I am strong (Now I am strong)
You gave me all
You gave all you had and now I am home

My love, leave yourself behind
Beat inside me, leave you blind
My love, look what you can do
I am mending, I'll be with you

You took my hand added a plan
You gave me your heart
I asked you to dance with me

You loved honestly
Did what you could release
Aaaahhh oooh

I know in peace we'll go
I hope relief is yours

Now I am strong (Now I am strong)
You gave me all
You gave all you had and now I am home

My love, leave yourself behind
Beat inside me, I'll be with you
oooooohh ooooh
Du du du ooooooh

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Short stories.. 55 words

Road Kill.

Running full speed.
Driving full speed.
Now lays a dead deer on the road.
Rotten corpse lays still; a raccoon comes from behind.
Gnawing at the dead corpse.
Vibrations of a near by semi grow.
Still enjoying the late night snack the raccoon doesn’t move…

Lying beside the deer a dead raccoon now lies.


Trapped in a room, no escaping.
Same thing day after day.
Life passing by.
Screaming for someone to let me out.
"Time for your wish" she said
I step outdoors into the sun.
I run, I laugh...

I go back into the room.
The thearpy comes.
I don't want to live this life anymore...

You win sickness.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It was easy

If I could go back into time I would want to go back my birthday when i just turned four, august 8th 1998. When boys were out of the picture, were makeup was the sun, were your hair was beautiful not matter what. I would like to go back because it was pleasant then, there were no worries, no concerns on anything. All you were bothered about was not getting the toys you want. It was simple. It was  relaxing having your mom and dad there comforting you and being ecstatic no matter what you did. It was easy not having to argue about the stupidest things every second. Things were fun and full filling even when all your doing is sitting admiring a leaf. It was easy when you were young.