Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It was easy

If I could go back into time I would want to go back my birthday when i just turned four, august 8th 1998. When boys were out of the picture, were makeup was the sun, were your hair was beautiful not matter what. I would like to go back because it was pleasant then, there were no worries, no concerns on anything. All you were bothered about was not getting the toys you want. It was simple. It was  relaxing having your mom and dad there comforting you and being ecstatic no matter what you did. It was easy not having to argue about the stupidest things every second. Things were fun and full filling even when all your doing is sitting admiring a leaf. It was easy when you were young.

1 comment:

  1. It's a start. You could go back to when you were four, but choose a specific, dynamic experience. Then include lots of specific details to draw the reader into that scene. Push your diction!
