Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Creative Writing

It’s been an unpleasant week of being a superhero. Long days and hours tires a guy out. I head over to the kitchen and start peeling a juicy brilliantly bright orange. I was just about to take a bite when sirens went off. Damnit! Sluggishly I get up and start running for the door, rapidly putting my mask back on. Because you know, no one will figure out who I am if I’m wearing a mask and a tight uni-tard right? As I slip into my car, I finally have grasped something supreme something so terrifying. My disguise is baby blue. What superhero chooses this colour, it just screams danger. Pondering why I choose this colour I realize I have no time to lose! I must carry on towards the danger. Driving viciously through traffic, dodging children and small animals I see a crowd of people I run into the crowd quickly shoving people out of the way. I stop dead in my tracks. I glance at the people around me. I’ve never gotten such dreadful looks. I ask,
“Where’s the danger?” A young man comes up to me and says,
“We’re protesting against pollution in this town, that’s the danger”
Embarrassed I walk away. As I go back to my car and look at my GPS, it says I’m in the right area. All of a sudden a little girl comes up to me and asks me for her help. Her cat is stuck in the tree. Grumpily I get up and get her cat from the tree. She runs away happily. Slowly sauntering towards my car I make my trip back to my home. Once inside I think to myself, I am a super hero in a baby blue costume that saves little girls cats. With a sigh I take my bite of my orange.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Public Displays of Disaffection

1. The main purpose of “Public Displays of Disaffection” by Anne Kingston is to provide an understanding and awareness of how cell phones are destroying teens and adults daily conversations, social gatherings and dining. There are three main points Kingston uses in this article. One of them is that people use their cell phones at inappropriate times, during this article she stats at the beginning how at a ceremony a “fifty-two year old, who received an honorary doctorate at the ceremony, took his seat…and began typing into his iPhone”. Usually at events like that people would find it rude. But no one did. Most of the graduates, she’s stats were also typing away on there mobile devices. Another point she stats in this article is that most people are very distracted by there cell phones. Even when someone is out for dinner with a friend or family member or even on a date will text, talk, or instagram on there phones. Not even paying attention the person they are with. But it doesn’t only happen during those times at the movies you always see “the distracting glow of PDA screens in theatres” the “loud cell phone conversations in elevators” and rude “multi-taskers [who] holding up lineups”. Cells phones cause many difficulties in relationships and social conversations and concentration. People can’t stand not looking at there for and eighty minute long movie. The last point that Kingston proved and stated well was cell phones are also very dangerous. Most people when on cell phones don’t pay attention to what’s happening, where they are walking and even worse where they are driving. In Ottawa the police did a test on distracted drivers they ended up “charging more than 2,000 people… one woman was so preoccupied with her cell she didn’t even notice the sirens flagging her down”. If a woman couldn’t even notice loud sirens and flashing lights how could she notice a child walking? Or notice that stop sign and that car crossing? With the points Kingston made and all the statistics she found of course I have to agree with her. I do the same I preoccupy myself with my cell phone at social gatherings but so does all my other friends. Just reading to see how society is and how terrible it is getting I agree that we need to make a change. Not only does it make you social awkward at times, it’s extremely dangerous if you’re not paying attention to your surroundings. Our society needs to realize how cell phones have come apart of who we are, when they’re really just a silly toy.

 2. Whenever I am at a movie theater and a cell phone goes off I immediately get mad, to me it’s unfair because they are interrupting something I’m enjoying. Cell phones can be acceptable at but at many times they can't. To me cell phones should not be aloud in classrooms. They are huge distractions. I know it would be hard to ban cell phones from school though because kids wouldn’t care and would still bring them and use them. But personally kids would be better off without them. Cell phones should be used when you are alone or not in conversations with someone, they should be used during breaks or personal times like at home. If you’re not using them on personal times then you’re just shutting yourself off from everything and everyone around you. You make yourself shut yourself out from conversations. Restaurants should ban them completely. It’s the rudest thing when you are asked out for dinner and your date or friend reaches in and texts while you’re eating together. It makes you feel unwanted and alone. At dinner texting shuts you out of everything; it shows you that your date doesn’t really care. Them texting when they are with you, gives you the feeling that they are more interested in the conversation their having on their phone, instead of the conversation you are having with them. I feel like it should be more like Europe, if we tried and could ban cell phones that would be great. But in North America they seem to be to import to people. I wish people could enjoy what’s around them and not be so occupied by there cells phones and just enjoy there friends, family, surroundings and daily lives.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Art of Racing in the Rain.

            “I laid my head on his leg and looked up at him. “Sometimes I think you actually understand me,” he said. “It’s like there’s a person inside there. Like you know everything.” I do, I said to myself. I do.” (Art of Racing in the Rain, pg 61).

The intelligence varies from dog to dog. In this novel Enzo knows how to read his owner feelings and emotions. Weather its wanting him to leave the room, or when he’s rattled and needs the ease he knows when to come and comfort Denny. Many dogs can read and determine the moods of there owners, which allows them to support and calm the emotions of the owner, or know when they should leave and hide when there provoked.
            My dog is named Ollie. He is not the most obedient dog. Ollie will not come when he is called, he won’t sit, and he won’t lie down when you ask him to. He is an Italian sheep dog they are an independent breed of dogs. Instead of me being the owner and him being the pet, to Ollie we are equals. They aren’t actually supposed to be domesticated, there meant to be left out in a field alone protecting sheep and fighting off wolves. But we raised ours differently. Even though my dog is terribly trained and will never be trained, he is the best dog I have ever had. My dog understands emotions in my family, he knows as soon as he is in trouble. His head ducks, his tail goes in between his legs, and he covers his head with his paws. We don’t even have to say a word to him when were annoyed, we give him a look. But one day when I was sobbing and extremely distressed, Ollie came right up onto my minuscule bed. Did I mention my dog is 95 pounds and is up to my hips when he is on all fours, and when I lift him up on his hind legs he is as tall as me? Well he came right on my bed placed his head on my stomach and looked at me with his great gorgeous hazel eyes. Ollie is an enormous, fluffy, pure white, and sometimes smelly handsome dog, who will always give ease, warmth, and defend me with his life. Even though he thinks of us as equals I know he understands me, because everyday when I come home from school smiling right at him I see him there waiting with his tail wagging.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Super Power

If I had the choice of having a super power it would be to fly. Think about it? Why choose any other. Soaring through the bright blue sky into the shining sun, fly past the highest mountain and touching the top letting everyone know I climbed Mount Everest, dive bombing into a crowed streets seeing how many people I scare, and being able to glimpse at all the radiant vistas the world has to offer. The ability to fly is obviously superior to any other superpower. If I had super human strength, yes I would be able to pick up cars, or when I was in a fight I would win the one punch. But why in anyway would I need to pick up a car? Or why get in a fight when I could just fly away. Even if I had superpower to freeze things, why exactly would I want to freeze things? I have a deep freeze for a reason.  Also there’s the superpower to mind control, but being able to control people and manipulate them is quite sinister. Making people do whatever I want, or making them act however I want them to, is just down right crude. Flying is just over all the best, think of how I would never get stuck in dreadful traffic or with slow drivers and veterans will never be in my way, and how I can see the world and all its most extravagant places and not having to worry about the expensive plane tickets. Even if there’s an eerie situation happening like a plane crash, or a boat sinking, or a hurricane. I would be okay and be able to make it out in exceptional condition with no cuts, scraps or bruises. It’s very evident that flying is by far the most superior superpower.